September 16-22 Calendar of Events

Monday                10:30 am    Preschool Chapel                              1-3 pm       Griefshare                              6:00 pm     Men’s Bible study                               7:00 pm     Board of Directors Tuesday                 10:30 am   Preschool Chapel                               6:15 pm     Women’s Bible Study         Wednesday        10:30 am Senior Bible…

Sept. 8-15 Calendar of Events

Sunday (9-8) Rally Sunday                                           9:00 am     Coffee Fellowship/Education Hour                                                10:00 am   Worship Service                                                 11:00 am   Free Lunch and games  Monday                 10:30 am   Preschool Chapel                                             1-3 pm       Griefshare                                    …

Sept. 1-8 Calendar of Events

Sunday (9-1)        10:00 am                  Worship with Holy Communion Monday                Holiday ~ Office Closed                              1-3 pm       Griefshare Tuesday                Preschool Open House                   Wednesday         5:00 pm     Midweek Classes Thursday             Preschool classes begin              6:30 pm Praise Team Practice Saturday              8-11 am Boone…

Aug 25-Sept 1 Calendar of Events

Sunday (8-25)                9:00 am                  Coffee Fellowship/Adult Bible Class                                    10:00 am   Worship Service  Monday                9:00 am    Collate Epistle                                      1-3 pm       Griefshare Wednesday       5:00 pm     Midweek Kick-off Sunday (9-1)            10:00 am Worship with Holy Communion

August 18-25 Calendar of Events

Sunday (8-18)                9:00 am   Coffee Fellowship/Adult Bible Class                                     10:00 am   Worship with Holy Communion Tuesday                2:00 pm     NAMI Group in Fellowship Hall Thursday             10-2 pm     Family Service Quilters              6:30 pm Praise Team Practice Sunday (8-25)      9:00 am Coffee Fellowship/Adult Bible…

August 11-18 Calendar of Events

Sunday (8-11)      9:00 am    Coffee Fellowship/Adult Bible Class                            10:00 am   Worship Service  Monday                7:00 pm     Board of Directors Thursday             Epistle Items Due Sunday (8-18)       9:00 am Coffee Fellowship/Adult Bible Class                    10:00 am Worship with Holy Communion

August 4-11 Calendar of Events

Sunday (8-4)                  9:00 am     Coffee Fellowship/Adult Bible Class                                       10:00 am   Worship with Holy Communion  Monday                6:00 pm     Board of Elders                                     7:00 pm     Kingdom Workers  Tuesday                2:00 pm     NAMI Group in Fellowship Hall  Thursday             10-2 pm Family Service…

July 28-Aug. 4 Calendar of Events

Sunday (7-28)             9:00 am    Coffee Fellowship                                    10:00 am   Worship Service                                     5:15 pm     VBS Meal                                     6-8 pm       VBS   Monday                5:15 pm     VBS Meal                                 6-8 pm       VBS   Tuesday                5:15 pm     VBS Meal              6-8 pm VBS  …

July 21-28 Calendar of Events

Sunday (7-21)             9:15 am      Coffee Fellowship                                    10:00 am   Worship with Holy Communion                                      4:30 pm     Griefshare Reunion (Fellowship Hall)   Monday                9:00 am     Collate Epistle   Thursday             10-2 pm     Family Service Quilters              6:30 pm Praise Team practice Saturday              5:30 pm…

July 14-21 Calendar of Events

Sunday (7-14)               9:00 am      Coffee Fellowship                                     10:00 am   Worship Service Monday               7:00 pm     Board of Directors Tuesday               2 pm          NAMI Group (Fellowship Hall) Sunday (7-21)                9:15 am     Coffee Fellowship                  10:00 am Worship with Holy Communion             3:00 pm Griefshare Reunion (Fellowship…