Nov. 10-17 Calendar of Events

Sunday (11-10)           9:00 am        Education Hour

                             10:00 am       Worship Service

                                   11:15 am      HOPE Gift Market

 Monday          10:30 am       Preschool Chapel

                                           1-3 pm          GriefShare

                                        6:00 pm        Men’s Bible study

                                        7:00 pm        Board of Directors

Tuesday         10:30 am      Preschool Chapel

                         6:15 pm       Women’s Bible study

  Wednesday     10:30 am     Senior Bible study

                          5:00 pm      Midweek Classes

                           6:00 pm      LYF for Grades 3-8

 Thursday          10-2 pm      Family Service Quilters

                            2:15 pm      Book to Know in Fellowship Hall

                           6:30 pm       Praise Team practice

  Friday               Epistle Items Due

 Saturday           11-2 pm       Griefshare Workshop “Surviving the Holidays”

Sunday (11-17)            Baskets of Plenty

                          9:00 am         Coffee Fellowship/Education Hour   

        10:00 am       Worship Service with Holy Communion

        11:15 am       Voters’ Meeting

         6:00 pm        Conversational Dinners