Our gracious Lord gives life and salvation, faith and a future in Jesus Christ. The gifts of his love and his daily presence in our lives compel us to respond in devotion to God and with love for our fellow man. The specific dedication of our time, talents and treasure for the kingdom work of our Lord enables us to respond to God’s grace in practical and effective ways.
Time and Talent
Each year the church distributes Time and Talent booklets that list many ways in which members of St. Paul may become involved and continue to be active in the life and ministry of our church. The list of ministries is not intended to be exhaustive. If there are ways of ministering or serving not included in the booklet that you would like to experience here at St. Paul, please talk to pastor or your elder.
The booklet contains a brief description of the current opportunities for worship, Bible study, service and growth. The booklet comes with a check off sheet that includes ministries that you might be interested in being active with during the next year. The sheet is due in early March on the date listed on the sheet.
Volunteer positions are categorized, and most categories have a board overseeing the church’s ministries in the area. In fact many of the volunteer positions are such that filling them automatically places one on the relevant board.
Kingdom Workers
All the members of the church’s various boards are collectively called Kingdom Workers.
Kingdom Workers meets the first Monday of the month at 7 p.m. The meeting consists of an opening devotion with discussion or announcements relevant to the group as a whole. Afterwards individual boards meet. The exception is the Board of Elders which meets at 6 p.m. and then participates in devotion.
Typically the meeting as a large group only last fifteen minutes. The following week the chair or vice-chair of every board attends a second meeting which is the board of directors. These meetings may be delayed a week if the first Monday of the month is a holiday.