Dec. 17-25 Calendar of Events
Sunday (12-17) 9:00 am Education Hour
10:00 am Worship with Holy Communion
12:30-3 pm Daniel M. and FCA event
Monday 10:30 am Preschool Chapel
Tuesday 10:30 am Preschool Chapel
2-2:30 pm NAMI group (Fellowship Hall)
6:15 pm Women’s Bible study
6:30 pm Bell Choir Practice
7:30 pm Parish Choir
Wednesday 9:00 am Collate Epistle
6:00 pm Advent Meal
7:00 pm Advent II Worship
Thursday 3:30 pm Ellen’s Discipleship Group
Sunday (12-24) 5:00 pm Christmas Eve Candlelight Service
7:00 pm Christmas Eve Candlelight Service
Monday (12-25) 10:00 am Christmas Day Worship