May 14 – 21 Calendar of Events

Sunday  (5-14)                 8:00 am                  Worship Service                  

                                        9:15 am      Coffee Fellowship/Education Hour

                                                10:30 am    Worship Service

 Monday                  Epistle Items Due

                                                 10:30 am    Preschool Chapel

                                                 4:15 pm      American Heritage Giirls

Tuesday             10:30 pm Preschool Chapel

             2-3:30 pm NAMI Group in Fellowship Hall

Wednesday           10:30 am Seniors Bible study             

Thursday              3:30 pm Ellen’s Discipleship Group

              6:30 pm Praise Team Practice

Sunday (5-21)              8:00 am Worship with Holy Communion  

              9:15 am Graduate Reception/Education Hour

             10:30 am Worship with Holy Communion 

             11:30 am Voters’ Meeting

             Following Voters’ Meeting- “Sowing Seeds of Faith”

Commitment Celebration Meal