September 4, 2016 Announcements

Calendar of Events

Sunday   Only one service today
Sept 4 10:00 am Worship with Holy Communion
Sept 5   Holiday- office closed
 Sept 6   Preschool Begins
 Sept 7  10:30 am Luke Bible study
  4:30 pm Midweek/Confirmation classes
Sept 8  8-10 am  Kiwanis
  10:15-2pm Quilting group
  7:00 pm Book to Know at Latuskas
Sept 9    
 Sept 10    
Sunday   Rally Sunday
Sept 11 8:30 am Service of the Word
  9:30 am Coffee Fellowship
  9:45 am Education Hour
  11:00 am Service of the Word


Beginning Sept 11, Pastor’s Sunday morning Bible study will be on Greg Finke’s book, Joining Jesus on His Mission . This book tells you how to share Jesus’ love in everyday life. Please read it to be prepared for the class. You can purchase them for $10 from the office.

Midweek Classes for Grades 1-8 begin Sept 7 at 4:30 pm.  If you have not turned in your child’s registration papers, please put them in the office mailbox TODAY.   Extra registration forms are on the magazine rack by the credenza in the west entryway.

The Book to Know group will meet Sept 8 at Tanny Latuska’s home to discuss “The Light and the Glory” by Peter Marshall and David Manuel. Men– this book is rich with our nation’s history and would be of interest to both men and women.

Septoberfest is 2 weeks away and the committee is working hard on planning. You all have heard about the bean bag toss games and I’m sure you are starting to practice. We need to have you sign up so we can get the beanbag boards ready.  If you have a board we can use, please let us know. There are sign up lists on the bulletin board for a variety of places we need your help or if there is something you want to do, let us know. ~Karen Griffin

The Women’s Bible study will take a break and resume Sept 19 with our new Beth Moore study “The Patriarchs”. Books are available in the office for $5.00.

CHECK YOUR MAILBOX!  The new phone directory and the Annual Report are now in your member mailbox.

PLEASE! A helper is needed for the 5th-6th grade Midweek class every Wednesday from 4:30 to 5:30 pm beginning Sept 7th. (We have a teacher). Two people could share this position. If you are interested, please let Breanna Wetzler or the office know. Thank you.

All Midweek youth are invited to the LYF Picnic and Scavenger Hunt on Wed, Sept 14 from 5:30 to 8:00 pm. This year we will be at the Hickory Shelter at Brookside Park. (1325 6th St. in Ames).  The Hickory Shelter is the west shelter that is closest to the north parking lot and the fire engine.  Come and have some good food and enjoy the fellowship with your fellow youth.

We are rethinking our September Conversational Dinners Kick-Off scheduled for September 11th.

> St. Paul has been sponsoring Septoberfest, (Sept 16-18 this year) for the past several years. It is a week-end filled with activities for our church families and the families in our community.  This is where the rethinking comes in….because the two events are only a week apart and fall week-ends are always jam packed with things to do, we feel that we should reschedule Conversational Dinner Kick-Off until October 9th.

> There is a bar-b-que tail-gate and concert on Sept 17th. There are sign-up sheets for side dishes and dessert in the narthex, so we hope you will get your name on the list and be a part of this year ‘s Septoberfest. For those of you who would like to bring a dessert,  and could help the committee by dishing up and helping to serve dessert immediately following the concert, please call or e-mail Ellen Sander.

> Thank you all for being flexible and agreeing with our “rethinking”.  We will plan to see you ALL at Septoberfest on September 17th.

Yes, we are still collecting school supplies. The ladies will be taking school supplies to the Fall Boone Zone Rally on October 1 that will be sent to West Virginia.

Quilters will meet from 10:15 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. on Thursday, September 8th. a sack lunch and join us.