December 22, 2019 Announcements

Calendar of Events

Dec. 22 10:00 am Service of the Word  A Musical Celebration of the Incarnation  
Dec. 23 10:00 am  Collate Epistle
Dec. 24 5:00 pm Christmas Eve Candlelight Service
  7:00 pm Christmas Eve Candlelight Service
Wednesday MERRY CHRISTMAS!           (Holiday – Office Closed)
Dec. 25 10:00 am Christmas Day Service
Dec. 26    
Dec. 27    
Dec. 28    
Dec. 29 10:00 am Worship with Holy Communion (Only One Service)


2020 Offering Envelopes are in the narthex. Thank you for picking them up promptly.

The 2020 flower chart is up on the bulletin board. We would love to have some of the January spots filled to start the new year off with beautiful flowers for the altar.

 We will be collating the January Epistle on MONDAY (December 23rd) at 10:00 am. Please come if you can help.

 Join us for Christmas Services

Christmas Eve Candlelight Services Dec. 24, 5:00 p.m. & 7:00 p.m.

Christmas Day Worship with Holy Communion Dec. 25, 10:00 a.m.

 Remember ~ Only one worship service on December 29 at 10:00 a.m.

 Please check your member mailbox often. Some boxes are getting quite full. Thank you.

Silent Auction Items Needed The NYG 2022 youth are having a silent auction during trivia night on January 11. We are looking for items to have available for participants to bid on. If you are a crafter/artist or have something of interest you’d like to donate, please contact Carla Murphy or Thomas Wilson. Deadline is Jan. 2, 2020

Sunday, Jan. 5 our normal schedule resumes with worship at 8:30 a.m. & 11:00 a.m. and Education Hour at 9:45 a.m.

 ATTENTION PARENTS: Starting Wednesday, January 8th Midweek will start at 5:00 pm and end at 6:00 pm. This change will last the remainder of the school year.

Our 3rd annual trivia night is coming soon (January 11th). It’s time to form your teams and pick a team captain. Team captains can sign up at the table in the back, where they will receive their instructions and share the important details with their teams.  If you would like to play, but don’t have a team, you can put your name on the waiting list. If you have a team but need some more players to fill your table of 8, you can check the waiting list for available players.  Please note this does not guarantee placement.  Proceeds benefit the National Youth Gathering in 2022. Contact Matt & Janelle Wegner or Jeff and DeAnn Barnes with any questions.

Let’s go Bowling!!! Save the date- On Wednesday, January 15, LYF will meet in the Fellowship Hall at 6 pm for pizza and go to Perfect Games afterward. Parents will need to pick up youth at Perfect Games at 8:15. Permission forms with more details are due by January 12. This event is open to grades K -8. 

The Book to Know group will meet Jan. 16th, 7:00 pm, at Adele Knop’s home to discuss “Angels Walking” by Karen Kingsbury. Everyone is invited to read this book and join us for the discussion.

Looking for a way to serve? We need people to serve Sunday morning coffee at 9:45 am for Jan. The sheet is posted on the bulletin board.