March 24, 2019 Announcements

Calendar of Events

Mar 24 8:30 am Service of the Word
  9:30 am Coffee Fellowship
  9:45 am Education Hour
  11:00 am Service of the Word
Mar 25 9:15 am Collate Epistle
  4-5:30 pm American Heritage Girls
  5:45 pm Women’s Bible Study
  6:00 pm Men’s Bible study
   7:00 pm SAFE Meeting
Mar 26 10:15 am Preschool Chapel
  2:15 pm Preschool Chapel
  6:30 pm Bell Choir
  7:30 pm Parish Choir
Mar 27 4:30 pm Midweek Classes
  5:30 pm Praise Team Practice
  6:00 pm Lenten Meal
  7:00 pm Lent IV Worship
Mar 28 10-12 pm Family Service Quilters
  10:15 am Preschool Chapel
  1:00 pm Family Service Meeting
Mar 29    
 Mar 30    
Mar 31 8:30 am Worship with Holy Communion
  9:30 am Coffee Fellowship
  9:45 am  Education Hour
  11:00 am Worship with Holy Communion


Prayer Vigil, Holy Saturday, April 20. Please sign up on the display board in the west entryway to participate in the prayer vigil on April 20, from 6 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Several15 minutes time slots are available.

Would you be interested in going to an Iowa Cubs ball game with other St. Paul members?   Please stop by the table in the narthex and visit with Charles Ellis for more information.

Our new pictorial directories are here! Please pick up your directory from your member mailbox. Thank you to Jim George and the Evangelism committee for organizing these!

Family Service Quilters will meet on Thursday, March 28th, from 10:00 a.m. until 12:00 p.m. Our Family Service meeting will be at 1:00 pm. Bring a sack lunch and join us. 

Trinity, Boone will have their Spring Fling March 30 at 10:00 am. All women are invited to attend. See the flyer on the bulletin board for more information or to sign up to carpool.

The Boone Zone LWML Spring Rally will be April 6 at 8:30 a.m. at St. Paul, Boone. The speaker is Dr. James Lamb. See the flyer on the bulletin board for more information or to sign up to carpool.

Save the dates for Adventureland! St. Paul will once again offer discounted admission tickets to Adventureland to our members and preschool families. The tickets will be good for your choice of one of 4 of the following dates: April 27, 28, May 4 or 5th. Tickets will be $25 per person ($20 discount per ticket). The sign-up sheet is on the bulletin board. 

The Book to Know group will meet May 9th, 7:00 pm, at Julie Coy’s home to discuss “Evidence Not Seen” by Darlene Deibler Rose, who is originally from Boone, IA. Everyone is invited to read this book and join us for the discussion. We will also choose the books for the next year, and are looking for a coordinator for our group. Please come and give us your input.

The April Epistle is ready to collate. Please come on Monday (the 25th) at 9:15 am if you are able to help. Thank you.

Join us March 27 at 6:00 pm for the Lenten meal served by Evangelism. They will be serving Hickory Park sandwiches, baked beans, dessert, and beverages. They will have a basket out for a free will offering for the remodeling of Ephraim cabin at Camp Okoboji for Boone Zone/Circuit and kids to attend Camp Okoboji. Come and enjoy!

Easter Lily– If you would like to purchase an Easter lily for the church for Easter Sunday, the forms are in the bulletin. Just fill out the form and put the form with payment in the secretary mailbox in the coat-room. The due date is April 14. Thank you.