December 25, 2016 Announcements

Calendar of Events

Sunday   Christmas Day
Dec 25 10:00 am Worship with Holy Communion
Dec 26   Office closed
Dec 27 9:15 am Collate Epistle
 Dec 28    
Dec 29    
Dec 30    
Dec 31    
Sunday   New Year’s Day
Jan 1 10:00 am Worship with Holy Communion


Next Sunday is New Year’s Day! We will only have one worship service at 10:00 am.

Joining Jesus on His Mission Lifestyle Training- Coming Soon- Save The Date

An exciting event will be happening at St. Paul on January 6, 7 and 8.  Reverend Greg Finke will be joining us to provide Missional Lifestyle training.  The main training session will be on Saturday, January 7th at the church from 9 to 3.  The weekend will be a fantastic way to kick off your daily walk with Jesus in 2017.  There will be more information forthcoming, but save the dates.  Everyone will want to be part of this opportunity.  To prepare for this weekend visit Reverend Finke’s website at and continue to read or reread the book Joining Jesus on his Mission.

Child Care Opportunity-January 7– We have at least one family who will need childcare for the workshop on Jan 7.  Therefore, we are looking for one or two people who are interested in caring for children on the 7th from 9 to 3.  This will be a paid position.  Contact Paul Knop to discuss further- 292-7481.

Director of Music Ministry Update- The search group for our new director has met with little success during the four month search.  The group did interview one candidate.   Members of the group feel there is an opportunity to serve the Lord if the position is split into multiple positions.  Thus, if the Lord moves you to consider serving, or you know of someone who has expressed an interest in serving, as Vocal Choir Director, or as Bell Choir Director, or as part-time organist, please visit with a member of the search group.   It is our hope that by dividing up the duties we can find qualified and willing candidates to serve the Lord in these areas of our music ministry. “Sing and make music from your heart to the Lord” (Ephesians 5:19b)

Quilters Needs- We could still use some gently used sheets for the quilts. Please leave them in the bin marked “Quilting Supplies” under the coat rack at the east entrance. you.

The Benevolence Fund (Friends in Need) was started to act as an emergency fund to help members facing temporary financial difficulties. Currently, the fund is in need of replenishment. We invite you to consider donating to this worthy cause to help your fellow members in need. 

2017 Offering Envelopes are ready for pick-up in the narthex. Please pick them up promptly.

Conversational Dinners…”Caroling Thru the 80’s was fun for everyone…thank you to Carol and Keith Folkmann for welcoming us all to their festive home, and to all our hardy carolers who braved the cold temperatures and to those we sang to, as they warmed our hearts.   Next We will meet on January 15th at 6:00 for our “Soup”er 90’s evening. of all kinds will be on the menu. night could be “chili” but don’t let that turn you into a couch “potato” and just “veg” out…don’t be “chicken”, come out and be part of the 90’s fun. If you would like to host in January, contact Drue or Ellen Sander.

The Book to Know group will meet Feb 9 at Adele Knop’s home to discuss “Her Mother’s Hope” by Francine Rivers. Everyone is invited to read this book and join us for the discussion.