
 Worship Services

All services include a sermon proclaiming the Gospel of Jesus and the powerful promise that God is with us through life’s darkest most difficult hours, as well as a special children’s message for the kids.  Each worship service also includes confession and absolution, Scripture readings, Creed, prayers & Lord’s Prayer, and traditional hymns.

*St. Paul worship time is 10:00 am. Education Hour for adults and children at 9:00 am. 

Click on the link below for Sunday’s livestream worship service at 10:00 am.

Lenten Services will be held each Wednesday, March 5 – April 9.  Click on the link below for the most recent Lenten service.

God’s Power Is Present for You!

Are you struggling? Feeling discouraged or distressed? Watch this message where our pastor shares his grief over his son’s death, and how God’s strength carried him through, like it will do for you. Click here and fast forward to 26:20.

stpaul-worship-iconMission Statement

To know Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord,
to grow in faith through His Sacraments and Word, and to go with His love into our community and world

Online Giving:

Online giving for Offerings and special contributions. Click the “VANCO” Image above to go to secured Vanco Payments to set up contributions.


You read that right! Create your bracket and choose which teams you think will win the men’s NBA March Madness tournament this year! First, Second, and Third Place winners will get a prize! Sign up is free and open to the whole congregation and friends; a limit of up to 4 brackets per person. The teams are released Sunday, March 16 and open through Thursday, March 20, so you’ll have ONLY 5 DAYS to make your picks …don’t forget!! Scan the QR code on a flyer to register or click the link below, password is SPL25. Good luck!!

Saint Paul Lutheran Church March Madness

Message of Encouragement

Here is a special message for you from Pastor Jenks, to offer you encouragement as you deal with challenging times in your life. Rather than lose heart, read this message and take it to heart. Please share this message with everyone who could use an encouraging word!

“Fear Not!” (Posted 1/7/21)

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